How to Do Vape Tricks

by Ali Gabre on May 08, 2023

Are you at the beginning of your Vaping journey and want to know how to do vape tricks but don't know where to begin?

Read this blog post to find out how! Vape tricks are a great way to show off your skill and impress your friends.

In this article, we will explore some of the easy vape tricks for beginners and also discuss the hardest vape trick to learn.

Exploring the Art of Vape Tricks

If you are a vape enthusiast, you may have come across some impressive vape tricks that you wish to learn and try out yourself. Vape tricks not only add fun to your vaping experience, but they also offer an opportunity to showcase your skills to your friends.

Vape tricks aren't that easy to do. You need to have patience, practice, and skill to master them. That being said, the easiest way to learn how to do vape tricks is by watching tutorials online or asking an experienced vaper for tips and advice.

The following guide will provide novice vapers with the knowledge they need to get started on their vape trick journey.

How to Do Vape Tricks: The Ultimate Guide

Before diving into the tricks, it is important to note that practice is key. You may not be able to master a trick on your first attempt, but with time, you will get better at it. In general, there are two ways to do vape tricks: inhaling and exhaling. For inhaling, take a long drag and hold the vapor in your mouth for a few seconds. Then, form your mouth into the desired shape to create the trick. For exhaling, you need to exhale a large cloud of vapor and then use your mouth, tongue, or other techniques to create the trick.

The Hardest Vape Trick to Learn

Arguably, the hardest vape trick to learn is the Jellyfish. It involves blowing a smoke ring and then using your hand to push it forward, creating a bubble-like effect. To perform the trick, you need to master blowing perfect smoke rings and also have good control of your hand movements. However, with persistence and practice, you can eventually master the Jellyfish.

Passing Vape Smoke

Before we dive into the easy vape tricks, it is important to note how to pass vape smoke. When sharing your vape with friends, it is polite to pass it on correctly. To do this, exhale a small cloud of vapor and pass the device to your friend. They should then inhale the vapor from where you exhaled and then exhale their own cloud of vapor. This way, you can share the vape without passing germs and also enjoy the experience together.

Easy Vape Tricks for Beginners

1. Ghost Inhale

The Ghost Inhale is one of the easiest vape tricks for beginners. It involves taking a long drag and then exhaling a small amount of vapor. Quickly inhale the vapor back into your mouth, and then exhale it in a large cloud. With practice, you can make the trick look more impressive by exhaling multiple clouds of vapor.

2. The Dragon

The Dragon is a cool vape trick that involves exhaling vapor from both your nose and mouth simultaneously, creating a dragon-like effect. To do this, take a long drag and then exhale a small amount of vapor from your nose and mouth. Then, exhale the remaining vapor in a large cloud from your mouth.

3. The Waterfall

The Waterfall is a simple but impressive trick that mimics a waterfall. To do this, take a long drag and then exhale the vapor slowly. As the vapor flows out of your mouth, use your hand to create a downward motion, similar to pouring water. This creates a waterfall-like effect, and with practice, you can make it look more realistic.

4. Tornado

The Tornado is a mesmerizing vape trick that involves creating a mini-tornado with your vapor. To do this, exhale a large cloud of vapor onto a flat surface, such as a table. Then, use your hand to create a circular motion around the cloud, similar to stirring a pot. This creates a tornado-like effect that looks impressive.

5. Vapor Bubble

The Vapor Bubble is another easy trick that involves creating a bubble-like effect with your vapor. To do this, take a long drag and hold the vapor in your mouth for a few seconds. Then, form your lips into a circle and blow a small amount of vapor out of your mouth. Quickly suck the vapor back in and form your lips into a small bubble shape. Exhale the vapor through the bubble, creating a floating bubble of vapor.

6. Liquid Mist

The Liquid Mist trick involves exhaling a large cloud of vapor and then blowing a small amount of e-liquid onto the cloud. This creates a mist-like effect that looks cool. To do this, take a long drag and exhale a large cloud of vapor. Then, hold your e-liquid bottle close to the cloud and blow a small amount of e-liquid onto the cloud.

7. Smoke Rings

Smoke Rings are a classic vape trick that is easy to learn. To do this, take a long drag and hold the vapor in your mouth for a few seconds. Then, form your mouth into an 'O' shape and gently push the vapor out of your mouth using your throat muscles. This creates a ring-shaped cloud of vapor.

8. Jellyfish

As discussed earlier, the Jellyfish is one of the hardest vape tricks to learn. However, with practice, you can eventually master it. To do this, blow a smoke ring and then use your hand to push it forward. As the smoke ring moves forward, blow a small amount of vapor into the center of the ring, creating a jellyfish-like effect.

9. Bull Ring

The Bull Ring trick involves exhaling a large cloud of vapor and then using your nose to push the vapor out, creating a ring around your nostrils. To do this, exhale a large cloud of vapor and then inhale the vapor back into your nose. Then, push the vapor out of your nose while forming your lips into a circle, creating a ring around your nostrils.

10. Triangles

Triangles are an easy trick that involves exhaling three small clouds of vapor in a triangular pattern. To do this, take a long drag and then exhale a small amount of vapor. Quickly inhale the vapor back into your mouth and then exhale it in three short bursts, forming a triangle shape.

Final Thoughts

Vape tricks offer a fun and impressive way to enhance your vaping experience. By practicing the tricks mentioned above, you can impress your friends and showcase your skills. Remember, practice is key, and with persistence, you can eventually master even the hardest vape tricks. So go ahead and try out these tricks, and don't forget to have fun!

If you want to know more about how to do vape tricks and look for awesome vape products, just visit Vape Cave's website. We have a wide selection of high-quality products like disposable vape pods and other amazing accessories to meet your needs. Also, check out our social media pages today to get the latest updates!

FAQs: How to Do Vape Tricks

What are some beginner-friendly vape tricks to try?

For beginners, it's best to start with simpler tricks like the Ghost Inhale or the Waterfall. These tricks require less technique and are easier to master. Once you've got the hang of these tricks, you can move on to more complex ones like the Tornado or the Jellyfish.

What's the best way to practice vape tricks?

The key to mastering vape tricks is practice, patience, and persistence. Start by watching videos of experienced vapers performing the tricks, and then try to replicate their technique. Make sure you're using the right e-liquid and vape device to get the best results. Don't get discouraged if you don't get it right on your first try. Keep practicing until you master the trick.

Can anyone do vape tricks?

Yes, anyone can learn to do vape tricks with practice and persistence. While some tricks may be harder to master than others, there's no limit to what you can achieve with practice. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced vaper, you can learn to perform impressive vape tricks.

Are vape tricks safe?

While vape tricks are fun and impressive, it's important to prioritize safety when vaping. Make sure you're using a high-quality vape device and e-liquid, and always follow the manufacturer's instructions. Don't attempt tricks that could put you or others in danger, like blowing vapor directly into someone's face. Remember to always vape responsibly and with caution.